- The book is finished!
- A 30-second presentation
- Tips for remote presenters
- Images recall stories
- Puke stories
- Look better naked
- Organizing information is finite
- Seeing the invisible
- Use a brainstorm before you open PowerPoint®!
- Tricks for getting to the core of your story (Part 1)
- Presenting from an iPhone
- Tricks for getting to the core of your story (Part 3)
- Comics communicate
- The cliché
- Adaptation of visuals
- Cliché of the week: The water ripple
- Happiness is…Inspiration for a palette
- The 3-second test
- Commuting with moths
- Cliché of the week: Debbie, the time life operator
- Beauty in, beauty out
- Cliché of the week: The Parthenon (and contest results)
- Cliché of the week: The PowerPoint® starburst
- You’ve got to be believed to be heard
- Cliché of the week: The bullseye
- Orange is the new red, white, and blue
- Toronto was on fire!
- Political signs are like slides
- Scarier than Halloween
- Presentations on a plane
- My two favorite books are in Amazon’s Top 10 for 2008!
- Cliché of the week: Clip art
- Presentations at Carnegie Mellon & NYU!
- Information Design Handbook
- CMU’s Randy Pausch’s S.T.A.R. Moment™
- Not an Apple store today…
- Registration is open for Presentation//Reboot Conference with Garr Reynolds
- Start with a pencil, not a mouse
- Using maps in presentations
- Interview with legendary illustrator Christoph Niemann
- The most beautiful PowerPoint® animation ideas, please download these ASAP!
- Slide consommé
- Marty Neumeier
- Things to celebrate in the new year
- How to create a presentation for someone else
- 10 commandments of storytelling
- Five predictions for presentations in 2009
- Tips for presentations of a (second) lifetime
- Technology Review: 123PPT VBP
- Interacting with slides
- Duarte and TED team up
- Of S.T.A.R.s and mosquitoes
- VizThink conference kicked off last night
- Design-thinking works … Even for geeks
- Animation works like magic
- Presentation//Reboot was a success!
- A naked audience?
- Rooftops and french fries
- The power presenter: 3 tips that transformed my last presentation
- Book review: Advanced Presentations by Design
- Audience on the stage
- The outlier finds his element
- Five tips for remote presenting
- When to hire a professional designer
- Visual thinkers unite!
- Presentation tips
- The “Presentation” release – Slide over documents, make room for presentations
- Tips for wrangling committees
- Twitter took time to tackle
- Medical communicators tell stories too
- Upbringing plays a key role in how we behave at work
- Judging books by their covers
- How Decker made me different
- Presentation design: A management philosophy
- Make your presentation magical
- Thank you for reading
- Don’t get discouraged, fight for what’s right!
- Got hit by stray bullets in the London underground
- The power of audio in your presentation!
- Spirit Week a success!
- 7 Insights from the Jabberwocky product launch
- Business profile: Duarte lives in the presentation
- Slideshare contest! World’s Best Presentation ’09
- Insightful book on better speaking
- It used to take three highly-trained professionals to make a presentation
- PopTech announces 2009 Social Innovation Fellows
- Cheating by charting. An excerpt from Spear’s “Practical Charting Techniques”
- Video Q&A’s with Zen-master Garr Reynolds
- CEOs and politicians are different
- Links to TED Global Talks that are creating waves
- Book review: Six Pixels of Separation
- Visualizing the Sun Food agenda with Michael Pollan
- The Microsoft Office 2010 public beta is available, and we’re in it!
- CNBC calls Google presenter a Johnson. Was that fair?
- 5 ways to make PowerPoint sing! (and dance!)
- We need another book about presentation design!
- Product launches should be a big deal
- Favorite fan mail … That has made it through
- Steve Ballmer could make more money if he presented well
- Impressions of TED2010 so far…
- News alert: Bill Gates is officially redeemed from presentation purgatory
- Pecha Kucha Night San Jose: Round 2!
- Justin Timberlake and the Art of Presenting Well
- Spring slide:ology workshops!
- Sneak Peek: Resonate cover design
- Book cover is done! High stakes = Demanding creative process
- Slide:ology wins Axiom Business Book Award Gold Medal
- HOW Design Conference 2010: Early Bird Gets the Savings
- slide:ology webinar series open for registration!
- What’s in the President’s briefing book anyway?
- Advanced stickynoting
- Adobe to the rescue!
- Cinematic color choices
- Pecha Kucha Night San Jose | Tue 6/29 @ 7 p.m.
- What does it mean to resonate?
- Nancy Duarte interviews author Alex Osterwalder
- Great moments in presentation history: The architect and the egg
- How to spread your talk
- Double rainbow
- Join us! Happy hour with Garr Reynolds, author of Presentation Zen
- Why resonate?
- Trust me. Give your speech, change the world.
- Free webinar with Nancy: That Resonates with Me! How to change the world one presentation at a time
- Engage through storytelling
- Two years of research, forty-six words
- Presentation help that’s good enough to eat
- Pumpkin contest winners!
- That resonates with me! Video recording
- Giving thanks: An open letter to Jennifer Aaker
- 3 tips for connecting authentically
- Gettysburg, readdressed
- Four presentation predictions for 2011
- Communicate like MLK and change the world
- No, we didn’t do Obama’s slides — Wait! he used slides?
- Music has a structure. Your presentation should too.
- Interview with Sunni Brown: Doodler, Gameist and 2011 TED Speaker
- Kawasaki practices what he preaches: Enchantment
- Martha Graham showed the world how she felt
- Martha Graham showed the world how she felt (Part II)
- Photo Field Trip | Contrast
- If the medium is the message, would McLuhan like PowerPoint®?
- Take your meetings by storm…Gamestorm, that is
- Has the goon squad come for PowerPoint®?
- Camille Seaman on taking photos and taking risks
- We’ve got spirit, yes we do!
- It’s all geek to me
- 6 tips for working with an interpreter while public speaking
- Prize-winning pumpkins and creative costumes
- www.duarte.com/edy Episode 1: Make your slides count
- PowerPoint® at war: How one soldier changed US strategy in Iraq
- It’s fun to share with Cops That Care
- Interview with Olivia Mitchell
- In honor of MLK
- Obama’s SOTU: What is, and what could have been
- The visual thinking revolution is here!
- Want your data to go viral? Make it visual.
- www.duarte.com/edy Episode 2: Avoid clichés
- TED Talks, #illustraTED
- Duarte’s Diagrammer®: 4,000 diagrams at your fingertips
- How to make a favorable first impression
- Pecha Kucha Night – Tuesday 4/17 San Jose, CA
- Award-winning filmmaker Lou Douros plans a sequel on whale entanglement. Let’s help!
- Back of the napkin to head of the class — Introducing Dan Roam’s Napkin Academy
- Insights & inspirations from SF SketchCrawl
- Interview: Erik Hersman, TED Fellow & Founder of iHub
- Your audience’s audience
- Presentation #FAIL: Habitudes for communicators
- 3 presentation lessons from Comic-Con 2012
- Winning the story wars — Jonah Sachs is leading the charge
- Nancy’s new book on shelves now
- The French (presentation) revolution
- Get noticed in a noisy world
- How charity:water is changing the world
- Happy Halloween!
- Back to the future: Slides before PowerPoint®
- A perfect persuasive story: Nehru’s ‘Tryst With Destiny’
- PowerPoint 2013: New and (mostly) improved
- An interview with Nilofer Merchant: The “Jane Bond of Innovation”
- Make Art:Drink Wine, stay inspired
- The Night 8 people stole 50 hearts
- Lights, camera, inaction: The Onion’s take on TED
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – The “King” of visual communication
- Public speaking for introverts: 6 essential tips
- The most talked about Super Bowl commercial was a presentation in disguise
- In love poems and presentations, less is more
- SXSW | Meet us in Austin!
- I knew Argo would win best picture before you did
- #illustraTED | Duarte is visualizing TED talks all week
- Graphic recording at #illustraTED | Progress enigma
- SXSW Interactive: Amazing from every perspective
- Losing the Iron Lady: A tribute to Margaret Thatcher
- Best tool for building a new space: Google SketchUp
- www.duarte.com/edy Episode 3: Move your audience
- 5 ways to resonate remotely
- David Foster Wallace teaches us to value education — and tolerate traffic
- Daniel Pink defines the new ABCs of selling
- London workshops were a success!
- When presentations take on a life of their own
- 5 presentation lessons from PopUp magazine
- Nelson Mandela and the words that fueled a movement
- www.duarte.com/edy Episode 4: Complementary colors
- Bob and Finn go to Comic-Con
- Visual recap: A chat with Garr and Nancy
- www.duarte.com/edy Episode 5: Bullet proof
- Do learning styles teach us anything?
- Free multimedia version of Resonate®
- Fail-proof Q&A prep
- Great persuasive speech, 2013: Angelina Jolie
- Garr Reynolds shares how kids impact the creative process
- Old career rules don’t work — To compete, you need a body of work
- Like Yoda you must be
- Tips for using social tools to facilitate Q&A
- SXSW: Inspiring creativity, compelling stories … and big data
- It took me 20 years to fail fast
- Doodlers unite! A look at Sunni Brown’s latest revolution
- How to “Talk Like TED” and other insights from Carmine Gallo
- Re-designing Mary Meeker’s trends report
- Wellness Festival 2014
- Strengthen and sustain culture with storytelling
- www.duarte.com/edy Episode 7: Color theory
- Make stories more moving with myth
- Everybody Writes: Best book I’ve read this year
- Great presenters are everywhere
- How to stay relevant when working remotely
- www.duarte.com/edy Episode 8: Be transparent
- Presentation Zen turns 10!
- Long ride to work? Make it a #creativecommute
- Bob and Finn Episode 9: Brainstorming
- Elon Musk: Inside the presentation that sent us abuzz
- Are you brave enough to be vulnerable?
- SF Design week at Duarte!
- Just Breathe: Wellness Fest 2015
- The 4 hallmarks of a good editor
- Tough crowd? 5 ways to stay calm, cool, and collected
- www.duarte.com/edy Episode 10: Make Your audience the hero
- A day in the life of a Mighty Killer
- Duarte Film Bites: Star Wars edition!
- Practice makes perfect, or what Oscar Telecast producers could learn from watching Leonardo DiCaprio
- My first year – From intern to Duartian
- The secret sauce of successful commencement speakers
- East meets west: From Big Apple to Bay Area
- How to illuminate the future and inspire others to follow
- www.duarte.com/edy Vignette #1: Get to the point
- www.duarte.com/edy Vignette #2: Color harmony
- Storytelling and empathy take center stage at the Watermark Conference for Women
- 4 tips and 1 tool that will help you perfect your slide design
- Improve your storytelling presentation skills and get your ideas adopted
- 6 presentation mistakes every professional should avoid
- 4 ways to use storytelling in marketing that have nothing to do with heart wrenching videos
- How (and why) to tell killer sales stories
- Movie magic: How to sync with your audience
- Master the struggle of working with executives on presentations
- 6 powerful pitch deck tips to get seed funding
- This is what presenters can learn from dancing scientists
- How experts can help a general audience understand their ideas
- The right story at the right time: Motivate your team when they’re in a slump
- A case story: Teradata | The edge of next
- How communication training leads to superstar teams
- Dreamforce 2017: Ushering in the 4th Industrial Revolution
- How to really craft audience-centric presentations
- How My Wife Created A Powerful Professional Poster
- 8 Presentation Industry Trends To Watch In 2018
- How to move your presentation audience with this powerful story technique
- 7 tips from SXSW that will make you a better presenter
- How to throw a memorable corporate event
- 5 simple tweaks for killer TED Talk slides
- Infographic: How to engage an audience when you might be losing them
- How to effectively repurpose a presentation for different crowds
- 3 more courses that teach The Duarte Method™
- How to make a presentation with data that moves people
- How to develop the best Big Idea™ for your presentation
- The most powerful techniques for speaking I learned from movie speeches
- When presenting data, get to the point fast
- Designer Q&A: Pushing the limits of PowerPoint® animation
- Book review: Influence and persuasion (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
- A guide to overcoming audience resistance
- Make your marketing messages useful
- Overcome presentation anxiety easily with these steps
- Leaders who get organizational change right know how to listen
- Why your company needs more ceremonies to navigate change
- Why (and how) to care about the first 30 seconds of your talk
- 19 powerful presentation stats to transform talks in 2019
- Grant writing 101: How to secure funding for your Big Idea™
- 4 ways Abby Wambach used personal stories for a remarkable address
- Why Will Ferrell’s USC commencement speech was a grand slam
- How to write a great talk: Murder your darlings
- Use contrast in the middle of a presentation to transform
- Celebrities: They’re one of us! How the year’s best commencement speakers made themselves relatable to graduates
- Power of the pre-read: Make mighty recommendations through story
- Big meeting coming up? Close the slideshow and pick up Slidedocs®
- Meetings: When to present and when to converse
- The top 5 presentation mistakes everyone makes
- How to effectively present to senior executives
- The slides you deliver versus the Slidedoc™ you leave behind
- Transforming numbers into narrative will build your career
- 6 powerful speaking lessons from Greta Thunberg’s UN speech
- How to create visual documents that motivate senior leaders
- How intrapreneurship and an unfulfilled dream led me to NYC
- How to pump yourself up before a presentation (or calm yourself down)
- Successful change movements all have 3 acts
- 3 ways to help people understand what your data means
- How to get others to adopt your recommendation
- How to identify and tell your most powerful stories
- How gratitude motivates and sustains our workshop facilitators and coaches
- 3 types of decisions made from data
- How to create and deliver a motivating vision talk
- Change leadership and communication books to read in 2020
- How to develop a growth mindset and accelerate your career
- Get hands-on PowerPoint® training with Slide Design on-demand course
- How to select the best photos for slide backgrounds
- 10 ways to communicate with empathy and authority in times of crisis
- How to apply styles to photos in PowerPoint®
- How to edit photo brightness, contrast and saturation in PowerPoint®
- How to crop, resize, and compress photos in PowerPoint®
- 5 popular PowerPoint® how-to questions answered in one place
- How to crop photos into shapes in PowerPoint®
- Tips to make the most of your virtual communication experience
- The communication guide for leaders who aren’t sure what’s coming next
- Uncertainty tests your values: 5 stories from times of crisis
- 4 tips for choosing the best virtual backgrounds on Zoom meetings
- 3 ways to effectively communicate to different types of decision makers
- Powerful women speakers: Leila Janah
- How to lead better virtual meetings
- 3 ways to inspire others with data stories
- Step up your virtual setup: Quick fixes to look and sound great from anywhere
- Facilitating virtual collaboration: Tips and tricks for being creative virtually
- Delivering dynamic virtual presentations: How to stand out in the crowd
- Cut through the noise: How to design slides for virtual presentations
- Get more from your virtual platform: Confessions of an accidental platform expert
- Crafting content for virtual communication: Keep it short and interesting
- How to influence through story
- El Susto: The role of storytelling in solving Type 2 Diabetes in Mexico
- 3 strategies high-performing brands use to communicate data
- 10 ways that improving your public speaking will help your career
- The corporate folklorist’s credo
- Dr. Fox Effect: The power of captivating speakers
- How to successfully navigate virtual events
- 5 things you can do today to improve your public speaking skills
- 3 steps to becoming everyone’s favorite panelist
- 3 speaking skills that will help you communicate data
- To become a powerful public speaker master these qualities
- 7 ways to make your best PowerPoint® presentations
- 7 helpful tips for English as a second language (ESL) speakers
- The dangers of combining PowerPoint® presentation slides
- 4 presentation design principles to live by
- Infographic: The anatomy of a skilled speaker
- The top soft skills employees need right now
- How to create a presentation using free stock photos
- Techniques for using critique language for more powerful and effective presentations
- Research report: Transformative soft skills and communication training to build the teams of tomorrow
- Using digital communication to drive digital change
- Transformative storytelling from Black communicators
- Q&A: Communicating change in turbulent times
- The ancient storytelling secret that every leader needs to know
- Celebrating women storytellers and the lessons they share
- Do you have what it takes to lead a successful change effort?
- A year of crisis: Nancy Duarte’s successful leadership story
- These screenwriting principles will make your business story more engaging
- 3 leaders who effectively use storytelling to transform
- 3 situations that demand a story
- 5 reasons why your story falls flat
- Why should I tell a story?
- How to get (and keep) others committed to change
- Q&A: Top delivery struggles speakers face & how to combat them expertly
- Lessons from our training pivot: How virtual presentations build soft skills and connections
- Are you prepared for the new world of work?… hone your soft skills online
- 3 ways to better connect with your virtual audiences
- Infographic: Master virtual communication by honing soft skills
- Drive sales with these virtual presentation tips
- Q&A: Master the skill of virtual presentations
- Build these physical and verbal communication skills to deliver a better virtual presentation
- Lessons from the great career reshuffle: L&D is more important than ever
- 3 lessons learned from the return to hybrid presenting
- Communication is the #1 skill for 2022
- 3 steps to a clear message strategy
- 3 top reasons to create a power skills training plan
- Preferred ways to communicate effectively at work
- 5 keys to perfecting your presentation delivery in a hybrid world
- Q&A: How to influence through visual storytelling
- 3 keys to equitable and inclusive hybrid meetings
- 5 ways to motivate your team with empathy and authority
- 4 storytelling techniques to bring your data to life
- Focus your Listening Lens™: What prevents me from being an empathetic listener?
- How Adaptive Listening™ can bring more empathy & compassion to your work
- Overcome sales objections with the power of story
- 3 expert tips to maximize your presentation rehearsal time
- 3 ways to overcome public speaking fear
- Want more influence at work? Try these simple vocal techniques
- 9 tips to motivate employees at an annual company kickoff
- Brand storytelling: A science-backed way to differentiate
- What makes an event successful?
- Storytelling in sales: The secret sales tactic to closing more deals
- Why your B2B sales enablement efforts aren’t working
- Must-have tips for executive communications
- 5 ways to craft the perfect sales pitch deck: Tips and tricks
- Building resiliency in turbulent times
- How to create an effective sales enablement deck
- A beginner’s guide to public speaking
- 3 secrets to choosing and designing unforgettable visual aids
- The easiest way to take presentation skills training
- Executive coaching services: Nail your high stakes moments
- The art of persuasive speech: How to speak with confidence
- Would Steve Jobs use ChatGPT for his product launches?
- Active listening isn’t enough. It’s time for Adaptive Listening™
- 5 steps on how to make a presentation that stands out
- Are you using the most effective listening skills at work?
- Presenting like a pro: The comprehensive guide
- Empathetic listening: An important first step
- Content roundup: Our top 10 professional development resources
- Books about listening: How to listen better at work
- 6 expert tips for elevating audience engagement
- What are the biggest barriers to effective listening?
- Unlock success: How to write a great presentation
- From an expert: What to expect from a communication coach
- Why your business absolutely needs storytelling training
- The art of document design: Tips and tricks
- Nancy Duarte curates a list of the best books on storytelling
- 11 tips on how to make a presentation fun
- How to evaluate professional speaker training: Pros and cons
- Listening training: How to do more than simply pay attention
- From novice to expert: Keynote speaking tips from the pros
- Why you need active listening in the workplace: A toolkit
- The secret weapon for sales teams: Sales enablement training
- A step-by-step guide to planning successful SKOs (sales kickoffs)
- Sales enablement best practices: Your key to more sales
- Why L&D leaders must tackle resilience training
- 7 tips for crafting an engaging storytelling presentation
- Why business presentation training matters for all professionals
- The 7 best speeches by women and what makes them great
- How corporate storytelling affects your bottom line
- 4 ways to prepare for a hostile audience
- How executive presentation coaching unlocks your full potential
- Corporate sales training: The secret to taking your team to the next level
- Can AI help with public speaking? A review of AI platforms
- How to craft and nail your upcoming executive presentation
- Sales presentations: Elevate your pitch to drive success
- Persuasive communication: Getting your point across effectively
- What sets a top presentation design agency apart from the rest?
- How to choose the best presentation coach for your needs
- How to design and deliver an investor pitch deck that gets funded
- Walking decks 101: A beginner’s guide and why you need one
- 3 communication lessons from Jim Schlossnagle’s press conference
- Presentation storytelling 101: Your audience is the hero
- Experiencing change fatigue? Get change management training
- 10 ways to interact with audience members while you present
- Blue sky strategy: The secret to innovation and standout events
- How to make a great impression when speaking to senior leadership
- How to stop that stutter: 7 steps to overcome presentation performance anxiety
- Good business communication demands a 3 act story structure
- Everything you need to know about using speaker notes in PowerPoint®
- Your top 6 storytelling questions (Answered by an expert storyteller)
- The secret to writing a call to action in a persuasive speech
- The ultimate guide to contrast: What your presentation is missing
- 17 rhetorical devices that will make you sound like Steve Jobs
- Why you should absolutely avoid using filler words (and how to actually stop)
- 6 signs your organization needs a better presentation template
- 11 audience engagement strategies for all presentations
- Tips for kids on how to nail presentations in the classroom
- Remembering the Challenger: One of history’s greatest speeches
- The secret to unforgettable events and memorable speeches
- 11 ways to prepare: How to give a TED Talk
- Facial expressions matter when presenting, here’s why
- Present data the right way: 5 secrets on how to display data in presentations
- Creating moments of impact: Using Sparklines for strategic conversations