10 tips for powerful persuasive presentations

Use this guide as you’re finalizing your presentation and use our checklist to more clearly convey your ideas and get your audience to support your message.

You have important ideas to communicate, and presentations are an effective way to deliver them. However, delivering a presentation that succeeds isn’t as simple as getting up and reciting facts — even if those facts are extremely compelling. You need to do more with your presentation: tell a relatable story, design compelling slides, build suspense to engage your audience, and more.

We’ve studied history’s best presentations to understand what makes them so powerful and have pulled together ten tips that will help you craft presentations that persuade.

Learn how to:

  • Choose the right medium for delivering your ideas
  • Get to know your audience before a presentation so that you can communicate in the most effective way
  • Hone in on your presentation’s big idea, so it doesn’t get muddled
  • Address audience resistance and empathize with their challenges, so you convince them to adopt your ideas
  • Prepare before your presentation so the actual delivery goes smoothly
  • Use drama to create suspense and keep listeners gripped during your presentation

Download 10 tips for powerful persuasive presentations