Employee communication

Communication tools and systems

Empower employees with consistent messaging, presentation templates, and distinctive visuals that improve communication and boost productivity.

Let’s create impact

Create clarity and build alignment at scale

Your values are what make you … you.

But sharing them, along with your company story, can be a challenge at large organizations.

With Duarte’s communication tools and template systems, we can help you develop a healthier communication culture that boosts engagement and employee retention. Employee communication done well should provide clear, unified messages and visuals through employee toolkits, presentation templates, and more, and should be accessible, consistent, and on-brand.

Let us help you speed up your employee communications so there are no misunderstandings.

A laptop showing slides and images.

Align your team with clear communication systems

Streamline your change communications, improve brand awareness, and connect with your target audience. We help you amplify and scale your most important messages by equipping your team to repeat them accurately and persuasively. Here’s how Duarte helps your employee communications become more effective.

Navigate change well

  • Clarify what key messages to emphasize, how, when, and why so that change happens effectively
  • Build a brand presentation system that sharpens your organization’s communications so they land with greater impact
  • Connect to your target audience with relevant and empathetic communication
  • Boost your leaders’ influence when they stand up to rally your people.
  • Ensure message and visual consistency across all touchpoints at your next internal event

Speed up alignment

  • Gain alignment from all stakeholders with consistent messages and visually compelling presentations
  • Organize your team’s many assets and artifacts across your organization into a clear format accessible to all
  • Train and enable your team to better understand your tools with coaching, tutorials, webinars, and training sessions
  • Equip your team and internal customers with slideware and story tools that help embed story, brand equity, and empathy into all internal and external communications
Splunk banner

Scaling communication with presentation systems

In most companies, slides are one of many channels of influence. But for disruptors like Splunk, presentations are the engine of persuasion because slides drive adoption of ideas and products. Learn how we helped this fast-growing firm punch up its slides to stand out on a bigger stage.

Read the full case study

Scale your message

With help from Duarte experts, you can refine your change communications plan, boost brand awareness, and speed up employee productivity. Get started today to learn how your message and ideas can spread.

Connect with one of our experts

The key elements to consistent communication strategy

HR communication doesn’t have to sound stiff. Rooted in empathy, Duarte can help you develop a healthier communications strategy for your organization.

Lead with empathy

Model effective leadership communication and move people to action with story and clarity.

Connect to purpose

Inspire and engage teams by building a sense of purpose, and help people embrace it.

Retain top talent

Nurture a culture of belonging and provide leadership growth opportunities.

A woman points at a vision board with images, slides, and sticky notes.

How employee communication gets consistent

Whether your leaders need to share some big news (with empathy) or you need to gain alignment with a siloed organization, having a consistent communication strategy requires planning. Here is what our employee communication consulting services include::

  • Change communication
  • Culture stories
  • Internal events
  • Presentation template systems
  • Storytelling training

Have some starter messages and visuals? ? We can take your ideas and hone them, or we can start working anew to help craft your communication strategy together.

Fast-track your talk with an expert-led Accelerator Lab™

Build a strong audience-focused vision, narrative, and the visuals for your talk through guided, interactive working sessions. We facilitate the process every step of the way, and you’ll leave amazed and inspired by what you’ve built.

See how the Lab works

A laptop shows a person on a virtual call and a slide editing tool.