A woman looks behind her while hosting a presentation at a conference.

Resonate with your audience

Learn how to build persuasive presentations with Resonate®

This course will reshape the way you think about developing content, allowing you to resonate with your audience, build engaging content, and give persuasive presentations. All by utilizing story structure and audience empathy.

Upcoming course dates and details


Creative storytelling is essential

Amazing ideas can fall flat when we fail to engage and inspire action. Why does this happen? Because we miss the opportunity to use the power of story to move our audiences.

The Duarte Resonate® workshop teaches a research-based methodology for creating engaging content using important persuasive storytelling principles. You’ll learn how to resonate with your audience through captivating visual content and impactful written messaging.

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9 9 /10

Immediately apply Resonate® principles

Nearly all attendees report that they are able to apply the principles they learned in their Resonate® training immediately to improve their communication.

9 9 .5/10

Average Duarte facilitator score

Will I like the instructor? The big question, right? We’re proud to say Duarte instructors consistently rank high with workshop learners.

9 9 /10

Attendees recommend Duarte

Not only do they recommend — they say the workshop will help them do their job better — which is truly on point.

Ways to learn

Learning formats for your Resonate® training

Whether live online or in person these workshops provide facilitated discussion, small group collaboration, and hands-on practice to refine your recommendation. The on-demand course provides informational lessons, quizzes, and hands-on practice to refine your skills.

A woman takes notes while watching a virtual presentation on her computer.

Live online workshop


  • Spread over two days, with two 90-minute sessions each day
  • One 30-minute break per day
  • Physical or digital kit

Dates: April 10-11 or June 11-12

A man leads a presentation in a conference room, while an attendee raises their hand for a question.

In-person workshop


  • One day, packed with four 90-minute sessions
  • Three 15-minute breaks and a 45-minute lunch
  • Physical kit

Dates: Coming soon
Location: Duarte HQ in Santa Clara, CA

A person sites in a chair while editing slides on their laptop.

On-demand course


  • Four-hour duration
  • 55 video lessons with online access for 3 months
  • Online videos, quizzes, and exercises

10 or more on your team?

Schedule a chat on our Training Concierge’s calendar, we can answer questions, build packages, and set up trainings based on your team’s availability.

Course overview

Story principles improve engagement

Using the principles of empathy, story, contrast, and variety, learn how to shape your ideas into persuasive and impactful narratives. Resonate® helps you:

  • Analyze your audience so you can consistently deliver value
  • Clarify the core of your idea
  • Create supporting content with the story structure used by history’s greatest communicators
  • Distill and communicate complex ideas with clarity

Download course overview PDF

The cover of the Resonate book, workbook, and course overview.

Workshop agenda

Four sessions to better shape your ideas

Module one

Why story?

Persuasive presentations require strategic storytelling. We’ll guide you through story structure and explain how to analyze and cater to a diverse audience.

  • Understand the three-act story structure
  • Analyze your target audience
  • Understand common audience challenges
  • Find common ground
Module two

The Big Idea™

Good storytelling is centered around a Big Idea™. Learn how to establish this idea, and how to bring the audience members along on your journey.

  • The Persuasive Presentation Form™
  • Establish your Big Idea™
  • Define the audience transformation
  • Develop content with contrast
  • Improve engagement with calls to action
Module three

Engage with contrast

Learn from Duarte experts how to infuse contrast that enhances audience engagement when preparing key messages.

  • Cluster content
  • Verify contrast
  • Develop your key messages
  • Structure content using the Persuasive Presentation Form™
Module four

Connect through emotion

Learn how to master emotional storytelling to connect with a wider audience.

  • Balance emotion
  • Shape your story
  • Help your audience see the new bliss
  • Five ways to connect through emotion

Train yourself or your whole team with scalable workshop options

For individuals

Enroll in our public Duarte courses. Perfect for individual sales members, marketers, and others looking to improve persuasive communication skills and influential capabilities.

Upcoming dates and details

Neora Myrow

Instructor highlight

Neora Myrow, Senior Facilitator and Speaker Coach​

Dr. Neora Myrow specializes in working with executive top tier programs and top talent programs for the world’s most loved brands, and has a reputation for creating magical classroom experiences. Hollywood born, Neora’s career took her from script doctoring and story development, through to a doctorate in psychology, into ghost writing and consulting on the agency side, and ultimately into organizational teaching and development.

Hear from previous Resonate® learners

Here’s what past participants had to say about this workshop.

“This training allowed me to take a holistic view of what message I was trying to convey and organize it in a way that would most resonate with my intended audience.”

“Our workshop was fantastic! I learned impactful new tactics and ways to organize and prepare a structured presentation. I would absolutely recommend this to a friend!”

“This was probably the best workshop I have attended. I really liked using an actual work challenge so that I could really apply my learnings and implement.”

“Without a doubt one of the most engaging and useful workshops I have ever done – this is definitely in the 10% of workshops where I came out of it with clear and actionable insights that will directly impact my work.“

“This method is like a recipe … add layers to spice up the story so that you create impact. Super helpful and I’m so glad I invested in the time to learn more about this technique. I am already applying it to my next presentation!”

“As someone who considers myself an experienced presenter, I was impressed with how many new ideas I found to take away from this workshop that I am planning to implement immediately into my work.“

“What’s great about the Resonate workshop is that you can apply the format and material to *any* conversation. Whether it be a presentation, meeting to bring on an advisor, or even a marketing meeting. It’s versatile and applicable across the board.“

“Absolutely loved this workshop, it was insightful and very valuable. I will be including these principles in my mission-critical presentations going forward. I strongly recommend for anyone wanting to become a stronger communicator and presenter.“

“If you plan on crafting ideas that make a significant impact on your life and organization, Resonate is for you!“

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Resonate with your audience and improve your presentations

Shape your ideas into persuasive and impactful narratives that can transform your communication style. Enroll now and take the first step toward building persuasive presentations.

Enroll for live online Enroll for on demand

Book a time to discuss team enrollment