Get ready to deliver your presentation

Learn Duarte’s own methodology for delivering winning talks.

Doug Neff

Doug Neff

Sr. Director, Accelerator Lab™

Captivate your audience

In this exclusive 45-minute webinar and Q&A, Executive Speaker Coaches, Doug Neff and Jeff Davenport, share a series of techniques to help you deliver comfortably, dynamically, and empathetically. Learn how to up-level your content, simply by focusing on your delivery — a week, a day, and an hour before your presentation.

This isn’t your typical webinar about speaker coaching maxims (“Don’t say ‘um,” “Use your hands,” “Drink water beforehand.”) Doug and Jeff will teach you Duarte’s own methodology and illustrate it for you using real client stories, meaningful metaphors, and humor.

Discover how to reach your core confidence, focus on your audience, and tap into why you’re the right person to give this talk.

You’ll learn how to

  • Know your content so you remain calm, cool, and collected
  • Identify the moments you want your audience to remember
  • Ease your nerves by “walking the space”
  • Zero in on “wins” for your audience members
  • Find your power: Physically, emotionally, and mentally
  • Prepare to be the speaker you want to be

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Fill out the form below to access our on-demand webinar on delivering great presentations.