We need another book about presentation design!

Nancy Duarte

Written by

Nancy Duarte

Not many people know that Garr is the one who talked me into writing my book. He sent me the outline to his first PresentationZen book and I covered topics that he didn’t include in his. So how many more books can be created on the topic? Plenty!

Garr’s new book PresentationZen Design is beautiful. He carefully studied all the design principles and ensured that he expressed them in a unique way from either of our books. There are multiple perspectives on how to apply the principles, and the book is packed with visual before and after samples that not only tell you the principle, but show you.

I have bopped my hand against my head several times wishing I’d expressed some of the concepts as well as he did. His white space section is amazing–makes me wish I had an entire section devoted solely to white space. His idea of consciously designing the white space first instead of focusing on the elements is profound and the before and after examples throughout the book I’m sure will be everyone’s favorite part.

I feel like I’ve had a front row seat to the development of his book. It’s a painful process I tell ya. Watching all the blood and sweat he put into the book was tough, but wow it will all pay off by transforming thousands of presentations around the world. I’m buying it for all my designers as a mandatory read. Great job, Garr!

Once Garr finished the book he took his very pregnant wife to Maui for the first time (my favorite place on earth). Now that he’s back to the grind in Japan, I wanted to send him a little congratulatory gift, sung to the tune of Tiny Bubbles.

Wow … I haven’t pulled out my ukelele since college sorority rush (and that didn’t go so well). But I adore Garr and the book is fantastic. Aloha Garr and Happy New Year from me!