Things to celebrate in the new year

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Written by

Paula Tesch

Only five days in, and already 2009 has some wonderful things to offer!

Each year, Bert Decker releases  a list of the Top Ten Best (and Worst) Communicators. The list has named some of the heaviest hitters to ever step on a podium, including the notoriously eloquent Barack Obama. This year, Nancy Duarte made the (good half of the) list, sharing a spot with visionaries Garr Reynolds, Guy Kawasaki, and Seth Godin.

Now that you know she’s a great presenter, I’ll remind you that you have a chance to see Nancy present this Wednesday at Mac World! Nancy will be leading her very own session:

Session US914: Using Visual Thinking and Design to Transform Your Next Presentation
Date: Wednesday, Jan 7
Time: 1-2:15pm
Location: Room 2006, West Hall

Also, Nancy will be giving a presentation called “Pimp My Slide” from the O’Reilly Booth at 11:30am. Guaranteed to be a good time.

On a side note, it’s been awesome to see the journey slide:ology has taken over the past year. Having seen the book come alive from cover to cover, it’s kinda crazy to see it out in the world! A couple of iPhone snapshots below show slide:ology sitting proudly on the shelves of Barnes & Noble and the Apple Store! Surreal.

Barnes and noble putting Slide:ology on display at Westgate Mall

Barnes & Noble Westgate

Slide:ology on display at the Apple Store in Walnut Creek

Apple Store Walnut Creek

Here’s to hopin’ the rest of 2009 goes as well as the first five days!