Presentation//Reboot was a success!

Nancy Duarte

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Nancy Duarte

Hanging out with Garr Reynolds for three days at Presentation//Reboot was a blast. I sat in the back of the room while he presented, and even though I watched his sessions three days in a row, I laughed (and snorted a couple times) and was engaged in every session. He is a charming, transparent, and dynamic presenter.

He had attendees do an exercise using the principles of contrast in slide:ology to convey a concept. For the exercise, they were to sketch out a solution that conveyed the concept “out of six products, two were outperforming the best.” There were no rules other than the solution needed to use at least one of the principles of contrast below.

Principles of Contrast, showing size, shape, shade, color, and proximity

The results were varied and fun. Here are some of the solutions attendees created:

White boards of participants solutions

On the final day, I had dinner with Garr & his wife Ai,  Ric Bretschneider, and Howard Cooperstein at Xahn in Mountain View. It was the first time I’d met Ai, and I absolutely adored her.

Ai and Garr at Xahn

Ai and Garr at Xahn

In other news:

E-book cover "Deck 'Em!"I am speaking at the HOW conference in Austin, TX on June 26th. It’s a conference for Graphic Design professionals, but anyone wanting to absorb the best design work and process can attend; you’ll be mesmerized by the speakers this year.

I’m also speaking at O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 Expo on March 31st and will be presenting workshop material for up to 500 folks at Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Scott Schwertly of Ethos3 and slidemagnet co-wrote a cool ebook with Jake Greene. It costs a few bucks, but is worth it. It’s called Deck ’Em: A Novel Approach to Presentation Design.

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