Beauty in, beauty out

Nancy Duarte

Written by

Nancy Duarte

To keep the creative juices flowing, you need to know how to find beauty–it won’t always find you. If you ingest visually beautiful things, you’ll be able to output them for your presentation. Creativity is everywhere, even if you live in an urban jungle like San Francisco.

Recently, Harris coordinated a small group from Duarte to photograph typography in an urban setting. We met at Peet’s in the Ferry Building and fun was had by all! The pics turned out great. Here’s the team that went:

Smiling Duarte team members sitting at picnic tables before they go out to find typography in a natural environment

We broke up into small teams of three or four people. I was on a team with Diandra, Yvette and Paula. Yvette and I ran out of batteries straight away, so we played the role of scouts. The team decided that instead of capturing type that had been placed in the environment, we’d seek out the typography created by the environment. Can you see the letters?

Letters of the alphabet found through various objects in San Francisco

Creativity needs to be cultivated and nurtured. Grab a camera and find some hidden meaning in your environment.