Data leadership skills diagnostic

Unlock the power of data storytelling skills. Use this tool to identify skills gaps and map a custom learning journey to hone your data leadership prowess.

You and your organization have access to more data than ever before. But
possessing data is different than understanding data. And understanding
data is different than translating data into tangible business results. That’s
why data always needs a storyteller.

Most of us begin our careers as explorers who can analyze data. Some of us
become strategic advisors who can explain the meaning behind the data. But
few become leaders who can inspire others and effect change.

To grow as data storyteller, you or your team may need some intentional skill
building support. That’s why we’ve created the Data leadership skills

This free diagnostic tool will help you:

  • Inventory your own data leadership skills
  • Identify the gaps in your data leadership skills
  • Map out a custom learning journey based on your personal growth areas

Download the Data leadership skills diagnostic