Registration is open for Presentation//Reboot Conference with Garr Reynolds

Nancy Duarte

Written by

Nancy Duarte

The web site has just launched for the event I’m hosting with Garr Reynolds in March. There are three different dates you can attend this one-day event, March 17, 18 and 19. We’ve rented the TechMart in San Jose where Garr and I will present for about half a day each (lunch is provided). It’s a real treat to be presenting with Garr since he’s widely recognized as the top author and blogger on the subject of presentations. We’ve been working out the sessions and theme for a while and will be finalizing it all when he comes to the states for the holidays.

The event is called Presentation // Reboot because when the day is over, your mind and skills will have been given a new start. There will be no computers used but through perspective-changing and engaging training, you’ll leave transformed.

Presentation //reboot conference with Garr Reynolds

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