Just Breathe: Wellness Fest 2015

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Team Duarte

The Wellness Committee at Duarte is comprised of a variety of different roles from Designers and Project Managers to a Recruiter and HR. We were formed out of common love for health, wellness, work/life balance, and all things good for you. We are passionate about our company, our coworkers, and creating opportunities for them to be the best versions of themselves they can be.

This year, our goal for the Second Annual Wellness Festival was to provide an event where our employees, the companies, and the community around us could meet with local businesses, ask questions, find new places, services, and healthy foods to try, and find ways to strive toward a better work/life balance. Of course, we wanted them to have a boatload of fun doing it, too!

So the Wellness Committee crammed into a meeting space together with our laptops and bottles of water (hydration is important) and noodled around as many ideas for wellness related fun as we could. What we ended up with was a bigger and better version of our first festival. We added more AMAZING vendors and activities, including:

  • a giant semi-truck with a mobile spin class set up in front of our building,
  • a demo class and exercises from the local UFC Gym (they don’t just have fight classes, y’know!)
  • Brother’s Gow Chow food truck handing out high fives and whipping up delicious Mediterranean food,
  • trash cans turned into red Solo Cups for a giant sized “beer” pong game,
  • BINGO game that encouraged employees to complete a variety of physical and social activities as well as visit various vendors,
  • raffle that auctioned off forty (that’s right, forty) prizes donated from all our vendors to benefit some local charities
  • huge inflatable bungee run for attendees to race

Phew! Who knew there could be so many healthy funtivities in one place? I think this video captures the spirit of the event perfectly!

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The Festival was a blast and seeing our coworkers, vendors, and some neighbors come together to try new things, get a chance to network, and really just enjoy the day made all the hard work worth it. The committee took a lot of pride in generating ways to engage Duarte’s employees in a healthy lifestyle and we can’t wait to keep rolling out more initiatives and hosting more events to make that happen.

Be well, my friends!