If you’re at all familiar with Duarte, you know we’re more fun than the average bear. And bears are a pretty good time. Take Yogi for example. When he’s not stealing your lunch, that guy is a hoot.
But I digress.
Duarte is fun.
Case in point, last week marked Duarte’s 4th Annual Spirit Week. This year’s theme: Summer Through the Ages. Every day, we paid homage to a different era, by dressing up and doing an activity appropriate to the time period. We ended with week with a (dress-down) day at the park, complete with good eats, cold drinks, and a Spirit Week Relay Race.
Check out the photos below, and hearken back to the good (and maybe not-so-good) ol’ days.
Jump (For My Love)
Babies of the ’80s
Duartians, diggin’ it.
Our pets rock.
A paisley pet.
Sleaziest frame salesman this side of the Mississippi.
Mad Men are standing, hippies are sitting in.
Mad Men & a madman.
Jam sesh.
Too cool for school. Or work.
Wanna rumble?
Relay Activity # 1 – Water Cup Fill ‘er up
Spoonful by lovin’ spoonful.
Nothin’ but bucket.
Relay Activity # 2 – Picture Puzzle
They don’t call it a relay RACE for nothin’.
Relay Activity #3 – Ahem, cornhole.
Winners of the Spirit Week Relay! (And proud owners of the coveted rainbow giraffe trophy.)
The gang’s (almost) all here.
Big thanks to Mark, Nancy, and all my fellow Duartians for making Duarte such a spirited place to work.