Mike Pastor
Executive Vice President of Operations
Mike Pastor is Executive Vice President of Operations of Duarte, Inc., keeping our organization humming at high levels of productivity, efficiency, and resiliency. In Fall of 2019, Mike came aboard to head up all aspects of operations for our communication training organization. Shortly into his tenure, we found ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic that reset his priorities and launched our team into a season of rapid transformation. A lesser leader might have been daunted, but not Mike…he sprang into action to implement practices that protect our customers and employees while keeping us adaptable to changing business needs. His role grew to encompass logistics, finance, IT, and legal support to help transform and scale our business. His leadership prowess is informed by decades of operational experience in the theme park industry, including LEGOLAND, where he won Leader of the Year. His kids would probably vote him Dad of Every Year because he’s that awesome at making sandcastles.