From stage fright to stage presence

Even the most experienced speakers get nervous. It’s a natural part of caring about your audience.

Nicole Lowenbraun

Nicole Lowenbraun

Content Director, Executive Speaker Coach

Advice from Duarte Executive Speaker Coaches

Mark Twain once said, “There are only two types of speakers in the world: 1. The nervous and 2. The liars.” Even the most experienced speakers get nervous. It’s a natural part of caring about your audience. Luckily, there are a myriad of ways to combat your nerves and perform your best on-stage.

In this webinar, Duarte Executive Speaker Coaches, Doug Neff and Nicole Lowenbraun, share the tips they’ve used to help countless professionals overcome their public speaking fears.

You’ll learn to

  • Build awareness about why your fear exists
  • Change your mindset to repurpose your anxiety
  • Take positive actions to deal with fears

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