Mastering virtual communication guide

Learn how to bring the same kind of experience to a virtual presentation as you would to an in-person one, and wow your audience.

Getting your virtual audience to focus is challenging.

Virtual audiences often feel overloaded, distracted, and fatigued. In a 2020 study by Forbes, 90% of participants said they were significantly more distracted when working from home. As a virtual presenter who wants results, you need to work even harder to grab and keep their attention.

Doing so will not only leave your audience feeling empowered and inspired, but it might improve their productivity and engagement, too.

Learn how to:

  • Determine the right virtual strategy to set you and your audience up for success
  • Write virtual content that keeps your audience interested and engaged
  • Alter your visuals for an audience that’s participating on their personal devices
  • Adjust the way you speak and move to improve your virtual delivery
  • Determine the right technology and setup to optimize your virtual engagement

Download the Mastering virtual communication guide