Kawasaki practices what he preaches: Enchantment

Nancy Duarte

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Nancy Duarte

In a span of two weeks I shared the stage with Guy Kawasaki twice.

After watching the hosts and audiences FAWN over him, I realized that Guy is qualified to write Enchantment because he lives it. It’s kinda autobiographical in a way.

He can charm and woo an audience like no one I’ve ever seen. And it seems pretty genuine from here.

Guy practices what he preaches. He advices that to achieve likability you should make crow’s feet. Guy most definitely smiles with his eyes. In fact, his entire face and mouth are very involved in his smile. When Guy wrote his post about getting this photo retouched, notice how they minimized his crow’s feet, but didn’t remove them altogether:

Before and after image of Guy Kawasaki after photo retouchingHe also advises us to “Dress for a tie”. Don’t dress above or below the person you’re trying to enchant. If you overdress, you’re saying “I’m more important than you.” Underdressing says “I don’t respect you.” Guy is pretty smart, he dresses right in the middle. Not overdressed, not underdressed by wearing an Aloha shirt.
Guy Kawasaki in his aloha shirt giving a presentation(Above Right: Photo courtesy of flickr user eschipul.)

Not to be confused with the Guayabera shirt or the bowling shirt.
Charlie sheen in a button up shirt Guy’s communication is also charming. He’ll usually preface bits of advice with, “Here’s a power tip for you…” Why, oh why, do I just answer a question instead of using an enchanting preface like “power tip?”

I watched Guy closely and admired his charisma and charm… which ultimately is ENCHANTMENT.

Here’s some more enchanting reviews from folks I respect:

Brian Solis

Fast Company

Nick Morgan