My two favorite books are in Amazon’s Top 10 for 2008!

Nancy Duarte

Written by

Nancy Duarte

For the first time ever, two visual communication books have made Amazon’s Best Business Books of 2008 top ten list and they happen to be two of my all-time favorite books.

First there’s everyone’s favorite:

PresentationZen by Garr Reynolds

This book is in the #3 spot of all Business books. The book was beautifully written and designed by Garr himself. It covers how to prepare, design, and deliver a presentation. It ties in principles of simplicity and clarity and shows tons of examples of well-developed and designed presentations. Garr carries a special place in my heart because he’s become a great friend and is the one who talked me into writing my book and I’m glad he did! The intro by Guy Kawasaki summarizes the book best…

Back of the Napkin by Dan Roam

This book plays a significant role in opening up the eyes of the business community towards visual thinking. His S.Q.V.I.?. acronym is my favorite concept in the book. He developed taxonomy for problem solving in pictures. I met him last year at the VizThink conference in San Francisco. Very smart AND nice guy, check out his BNET video, it gives a good flavor of the book.

Run out and get these books! They are a permanent part of my collection!

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