Watch our free AMA with Nancy Duarte! Walk away with answers to your most sought-after communication questions from one of the most time-tested communication gurus herself.
Is communication costing your business, or you personally, success?
Why not ask the foremost communication guru yourself?
Imagine a world where every conversation in the workplace unfolds with crystal-clear understanding, where every email hits its mark without confusion, and team meetings propel projects forward without a hitch. Now, wake up to the reality where miscommunication costs companies a staggering $1.2 trillion annually in the US alone.* The ripple effects of these misunderstandings cut deep, slashing innovation, dampening profits, and stalling productivity.
In our Ask Me Anything (AMA) with communication guru Nancy Duarte, you asked your toughest and most complex communication challenges. From your obstacles on anything from working with direct reports and customers, to C-suite and other departments. This interactive webinar equips you with your most sought-after answers!
This webinar is for anyone who is
- Struggling to communicate effectively with leadership?
- Facing challenges with a workforce that is resistant to change or reforecasting?
- Needing guidance on improved communication among team members?
- Wanting to land persuasive communication with leads?
- Dealing with a unique issue that hasn’t been addressed before … We welcomed those inquiries as well and your input shaped the direction of our discussion.
Voted as the #1 Global Communication Guru, Nancy is the author of six best-selling books and has a Ted Talk with over 3 million views. For over 30 years she has built a communication empire that has consulted and trained the highest performing brands and executives in the world to hone their communications craft. And she is excited to help you navigate your communication challenges so you can take on an unknown 2025 with confidence.
This interactive webinar is moderated by Duarte’s Chief Customer Officer, Becky Bausman, and runs for approximately 60 minutes, with the full time devoted to Q&A of your most popular questions!
Nancy Duarte, CEO
Nancy Duarte is author of six best-selling books and CEO of Duarte, Inc. For over 30 years, Duarte, Inc. has consulted and trained the highest performing brands and executives in the world. Duarte is a communication expert who has been featured in Fortune, Time Magazine, Forbes, Fast Company, Wired, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, and on CNN. Nancy has received several awards for communications, entrepreneurship, and been honored for her achievements as a female executive. She’s ranked #67 on the list of top 250 Women in Leadership. Nancy lectures at Stanford University and her course Resonate is taught in the Stanford School of Business. As a persuasion expert, she cracked the code for effectively incorporating story patterns into business communications. Her favorite role is “Grandma” to two grandsons and grand-dogger.