Engage. Resonate. Inspire.

Keynotes and events

It’s time for you to set the standard. Deliver an unforgettable talk with the dynamism of an outstanding public speaker. Or pull off an industry-defining event with the experts in memorable moments.

Connect with us today

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for

This is your big event.

This is where you define yourself for customers, investors, the media, your peers, and your people.

It might be one talk. It might span keynotes, webinars, and other presentations.

No matter what, you’ve got to nail it. With keynote and event consulting from Duarte, you’re going to.

The stage for a large Keynote event, with a large audience and a large image on a screen that reads "Trust".

The best keynotes and events start with a good plan

Every good event is the result of a hundred decisions the audience never sees. Make the right decisions at every stage, so when you get on stage or at the conference, you’re ready to go. Here’s how Duarte helps you every step of the way.

Build your story

  • Tailor creative decisions that support your goals
  • Root your key messages in audience empathy
  • Build a connected narrative across multiple presenters

Deliver your message

  • Incorporate video and motion to amplify your presentation
  • Fine tune your delivery and stage presence
  • Capitalize your stage environment so you make the most impact
Einstein cartoon from Salesforce.

Featured case study

How Salesforce conquered the stage

When the world’s largest SaaS company needed help showcasing a revolutionary AI technology on their biggest stage, they turned to Duarte for help.

Read the full case study

Let’s help you shine on stage

The time to start planning for your big event is now. Let’s get to work.

Connect with a keynote expert

What nailing your keynote does for you

It doesn’t matter if this is your one big shot or you’re on the stage every week, keynotes are inherently high stakes. They are one of your most powerful opportunities to inspire and unite your audience. When you work with Duarte, we will help you succeed. You’re going to get on that stage and everyone is going to know that something is different.

Connect audiences to your brand

Use narrative to create a cohesive experience for attendees

Showcase your leadership

Get your top people in the spotlight, showcasing your unique story.

Stand out in your industry

Reinforce your brand promise with great experiences. Become the leader. 

How the perfect experience gets built

Whether it’s the biggest conference of the year, your annual meetings, or anything else, your presentation takes planning. Here is what our keynote and event services include:

  • Strategy and theming
  • Executive speaker coaching
  • Motion and video
  • Booth experiences
  • Kiosk and digital signage
  • Event collateral
  • Keynote presentations
  • Breakout presentations
  • Event templates
  • Scriptwriting

Have some preliminary ideas? We can take your ideas and craft them, or we can start from scratch and shape your big moment together.

A woman leads a presentation in front of a large screen at a conference.
A Black man holding a laptop points at a vision board with slides, images, and sticky notes.

Fast-track your talk with an expert-led Accelerator Lab™

Build a strong audience-focused vision, narrative, and the visuals for your talk through guided, interactive working sessions. We facilitate the process every step of the way, and you’ll leave amazed and inspired by what you’ve built.

See how the Lab works