News alert: Bill Gates is officially redeemed from presentation purgatory

Nancy Duarte

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Nancy Duarte

Wow, Gates did a great job at TED this year. Why is he suddenly a great communicator and presenter? What has driven his transformation? I think it’s because he moved from presenting about his job to presenting about his passion, and suddenly he communicates well. So, is it possible that we can be so passionate about what we do that we can present software upgrades with as much care and thoughtfulness? I think so!

This year at TED, Mr. Gates talked about climate change. Not sure who’s building his content or slides, but please keep them employed!

By the way, deeming Gates purgatory-free is my way of making up for my snarky comments about Ballmer.

Here’s his presentation and slides:

Gates claims there’s a mathematical equation we can use to get carbon emissions down to zero.

Bill Gates Presentation Slides on Climate Change. He presents there's a mathematical equation to bring carbon emissions down to 0

The goal is to innovate to the zero emission point.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Innovating to 0

We’re producing tons of CO2 each year.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: 26 Billion Tons of CO2 is Produced Yearly

Here’s the formula. And mathematically for this to come to zero, one of these has to go to zero or it won’t work out.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Formula used to bring emissions to 0

He then gave an overview of the formula:

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Overview of the Formula

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Overview of the Formula

Sometimes we take our energy for granted because it’s so readily available. Here’s a shot of kids doing their homework under street lamps because they have no electricity at home.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Students doing their homework on the street where they have access to light

Can we generate an energy source that doesn’t produce carbon?

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Is there a source of energy we can create that does not produce carbon

We need a miracle, and miracles are tough to plan.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: We need an energy miracle

TED loved the release of the mosquitoes last year, and this year he released fireflies, because they produce light. At the same time the bugs were released, a lovely animation on the screen simulated an evening sky with lightning bugs. (And when the talk ended, he played the song 10,000 Lightning Bugs.)

Bill Gates releases fireflies to the audience

Fireflies light up the stage

Bill Gates presenting about the miracle we need

He then explained the five areas in which we need a miracle.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Energy miracles needed

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Carbon Capture and Storage

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Nuclear

Wind and solar energy aren’t constant enough to be stored, and won’t fit in batteries.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: All the batteries on Earth can store only 10 minutes of the world's electricity needs

He did a good job showing data without data charts.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Presentation of data without the use of charts

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Presentation of data without the use of charts

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Presentation of data without the use of charts

He made a case for nuclear by showing how reactors burn like a candle via a lovely animation sequence.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Use case for Nuclear

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Use case for Nuclear

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Use case for Nuclear

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Use case for Nuclear

There is enough nuclear waste stored in KY to power the country for 200 more years. (Yikes, my family almost moved to Paducah when I was a kid.)

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Enough spent uranium to power the US for two centuries

We have a long term score card, but what’s our short term one?

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Short term score card vs the long term score card

He made a wish. Of every wish he could make, he would solve this one problem. More than vaccines, more than wishing leaders into office. He wants us to innovate to zero.

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: One wish: Innovate to 0

Bill Gates Presentation Slide: Innovating to Zero

The presentation ended with Mr. Gates standing in front of a huge zero symbol, emblazoned against a beautiful shot of the earth and he garnered a standing ovation.

Bill Gates concludes his presentation with him standing in front of his slides

Bill Gates concludes his presentation with a slide that has a large zero in front of an image of Earth

Well done, Mr. Gates. You’ve redeemed yourself.

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