
Create skimmable, visual documents to deliver insightful pre-reads or inspiring leave-behinds.

Slidedocs ebook cover page presented on an iPad
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Why should I use Slidedocs®?

Watch this short video on visual storytelling and effective presentations and quickly grasp the concept of Slidedocs® and how they can improve the quality of presentations and documents.

Ebook overview

Create more compelling documents

Presentations are one of the most powerful tools for persuasive communication, but they’re not always the right vehicle to deliver information.

Drawing from the best of slide design principles, Slidedocs® are visual documents that deliver information to help teams digest ideas at their own pace. That’s why Slidedocs® are ideal for sharing important pre-read material or creating presentation leave behinds. So, you can move your audience, even when you aren’t in the room.

Slidedocs® ebook

Learn how to create powerful, skimmable documents with Nancy Duarte’s free ebook, Slidedocs®.

Download Slidedocs® ebook

Meet the author

Nancy Duarte

Nancy Duarte

Chief Executive Officer

Nancy Duarte is author of six best-selling books and CEO of Duarte, Inc. For over 35 years, Duarte, Inc. has consulted and trained the highest performing brands and executives in the world. Duarte is a communication expert who has been featured in Fortune, Time Magazine, Forbes, Fast Company, Wired, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, and on CNN. Her TED talk has had over 3 million views. Nancy has received several awards for communications, entrepreneurship, and been honored for her achievements as a female executive. She’s ranked #67 on the list of top 250 Women in Leadership and is the #1 Global Communication Guru. Nancy lectures at Stanford University and her course Resonate is taught in the Stanford School of Business. As a persuasion expert, she cracked the code for effectively incorporating story patterns into business communications. Her favorite role is “Grandma” to two grandsons and grand-dogger.

Slidedocs® training

Take our related course

Build helpful pre-reads and impactful leave-behinds with presentation software to support knowledge sharing and decision-making.

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