Make Art, Drink Wine, Stay Inspired

Written by

Paula Tesch

In a place where half the staff is paid to “be creative,” it’s especially important to maintain an environment of inspiration, exploration, and just plain fun. There are lots of ways to do that. One of our favorite ways is to throw a party.

Every year, our Art Direction team hosts Make Art: Drink Wine, a party at which we do both of those things, profusely. The party serves as a creative recharge, allowing us to forget deadlines and create art for art’s sake.

It also gives us a chance to raise money and awareness for causes we believe in. This year, money-raisin’ motivation came from Drawbridge Art Group, an organization offering art as therapy for homeless children.

Coming together to create and appreciate art brings us together, reveals hidden talents, keeps inspiration alive, and finds its way back to the work we do everyday.

Check out the video to see what keeps our inspiration afloat:

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Written by

Paula Tesch


Events, Influencing

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We offer flexible, individual and team training to help build critical communication skills as well as hands-on, one-on-one coaching and full-service strategy, consulting and presentation design support. Learn more below:

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